Custom blend essential oil mixtures:


These are mixtures blended for specific issues, such as migraine headaches, anxiety, insomnia, stress, allergies, mental fatigue, arthritis, cold, cough, gout - almost any physical or emotional issue.


Essential oil blends are made using therapeutic grade oils in an organic carrier oil (Jojoba).


Essential oils have been shown to promote physical, mental and emotional health and healing.  They assist in increasing your energy vibration.


Each blend comes with instructions indicating the most effective way to use the oils, as well as a list of the individual oils included in the blend...


Contact Suzanne  to make an appointment for  reflexology or other natural healing services by calling 301.537.7956 or email:

Contact Us


Natural Health by Suzanne

Suzanne Sweet

12629 Kornett Ln
Bowie, MD 20715


Phone: 301.537.7956






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